Telemedicine Billing Tips
Synchronous Telemedicine Services
Synchronous telemedicine services involve an interactive, electronic information exchange in at least two directions in the same time period.
Providers must bill using CPT® or HCPCS codes with a GT or 95 modifier for distant site and Q3014 for an applicable originating site to distinguish telemedicine services. Payment for Q3014 will not be made when a patient's home is the originating site. The distant site and originating site cannot be billed by the same provider.
For professional claims, use the place of service code (POS) that represents the location from which he/she rendered the telemedicine visit. For example, POS 11 if services are rendered from the provider's office. (See FAQs below for information on resubmitting non-facility claims previously submitted with POS 02.)
By billing the GT or 95 modifier with a covered telemedicine procedure code, the distant site provider certifies the beneficiary was present at an eligible originating site when the telemedicine service was furnished.
Providers must document the provider and patient location (city/town, state, ZIP code) in the medical record.
Asynchronous Telemedicine Services
Asynchronous telemedicine services involve storing, forwarding and transmitting medical information on telemedicine encounters in one direction at a time.
Providers must bill using CPT or HCPCS codes with a GQ modifier. For professional claims, use the place of service code (POS) that represents the location from which he/she rendered the telemedicine visit. For example, POS 11 if services are rendered from the provider's office.
Note: When submitting claims for telemedicine services, the originating site provider may indicate "Signature not required – distance telemedicine site" in the required Patient Signature field.
Telephonic (Audio-Only) Office Visits
Current coding manuals include CPT codes 99441–43, 98966–68 and HCPCS code G2012 as audio-only telehealth. CMS 1500 professional claims should have the place of service “02” or one of the telemedicine modifiers GT or 95, with appropriate CPT or HCPCS codes. UB04 claims must contain one of the telemedicine GT, 93 or 95 modifiers.