TRICARE West Claims Submission
Health Net Federal Services, LLC
P.O. Box 202112
Florence, SC 29502-2112
Fax: 1-844-869-2504
Routine Correspondence
Health Net Federal Services, LLC
P.O. Box 202100
Florence, SC 29502-2102
Fax: 1-844-869-2812
Claims Adjustments/Allowable Charge Review
Health Net Federal Services, LLC
Allowable Charge Review
P.O. Box 202100
Florence, SC 29502-2100
Fax: 1-844-869-2812
Claim Recoupments/Refunds
Health Net Federal Services, LLC
Attention: TRICARE West Region
P.O. Box 202111
Florence, SC 29502-2111
Good Faith Payment Reviews
Health Net Federal Services, LLC
TRICARE West – Priority Correspondence
P.O. Box 202101
Florence, SC 29502-2101
Fax: 1-844-869-2811
Other Health Insurance Questionnaire
TRICARE West - OHI Questionnaire
P.O. Box 202102
Florence, SC 29502-2102
Fax: 1-844-730-1372
Third Party Liabilty (TPL) Correspondence
TRICARE West - TPL Correspondence
P.O. Box 202103
Florence, SC 29502-2103
Fax: 1-844-869-2813
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
TRICARE West Region
EFT Enrollment
Fax: 1-844-787-9889
Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)
PGBA, LLC/TRICARE Electronic Data Interchange
P.O. Box 17150
Augusta, GA 30903
Fax: (803) 264-9864
TRICARE Pharmacy Claims
Express Scripts
P.O. Box 52132
Phoenix, AZ 85072
Out-of-Region Claims
TRICARE East Region Claims
P.O. Box 7981
Madison, WI 53707-7981
TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Prime Remote/TRICARE Prime Remote for Active Duty Family Members, TRICARE Select (enrollment forms)
Health Net Federal Services, LLC
P.O. Box 8458
Virginia Beach, VA 23450-8458
Fax: 1-844-388-8282
TRICARE Reserve Select/TRICARE Retired Reserve/TRICARE Young Adult (enrollment forms)
Health Net Federal Services, LLC
P.O. Box 9028
Virginia Beach, VA 23450-9028
Fax: 1-844-388-8282
Enrollment Payment Method Changes
Health Net Federal Services, LLC
P.O. Box 8608
Virginia Beach, VA 23450-8608
Fax: 1-844-785-2604
Provider Services
Network Participation Agreement Packet
Health Net Federal Services, LLC/TRICARE
P.O. Box 9410
Virginia Beach, VA 23450-9410
Fax: 1-844-836-5818
Provider Information Form
Health Net Federal Services, LLC/TRICARE
Fax only: 1-844-224-0381
Legal Notices
Health Net Federal Services, LLC
P.O. Box 9410
Virginia Beach, VA 23450-9410
Attn: Provider Network Management
Fax: 1-844-836-5818
Non-Network Provider Updates
TRICARE West Provider Data Management
P.O. Box 202106
Florence, SC 29502-2106
Fax: 1-844-730-1373
Appeals and Grievances
Authorizations Appeals
Health Net Federal Services, LLC
TRICARE West Authorization Appeals
P.O. Box 2219
Virginia Beach, VA 23450-2219
Fax: 1-844-769-8007
Claims Appeals
Health Net Federal Services, LLC
TRICARE West Claims Appeals
P.O. Box 8008
Virginia Beach, VA 23450-8008
Fax: 1-844-802-2527
Health Net Federal Services, LLC
Attn: Grievances
P.O. Box 8128
Virginia Beach, VA 23450-8128
Fax: 1-844-802-2531
Fraud and Abuse
Program Integrity
Health Net Federal Services, LLC
Attn: Program Integrity
P.O. Box 10310
Virginia Beach, VA 23450-10310
Fax: 1-844-734-1266
Medical Management
Case Management DOMA
P.O. Box 9528
Virginia Beach, VA 23450-9528
Fax: 1-888-965-8438
Chronic Care/Disease Management (DM)
P.O. Box 2808
Virginia Beach, VA 23450-2808
Fax: 1-888-965-8823
Authorization to Disclose
TRICARE Legal Documents
P.O. Box 8818
Virginia Beach, VA 23450-8818
Fax: 1-844-308-8877
TFL Customer Service
Wisconsin Physicians Service (WPS)
P.O. Box 7889
Madison, WI 53707-7889
TFL Claims Submission
Wisconsin Physicians Service (WPS)
P.O. Box 7890
Madison, WI 53707-7890
TFL Overseas Claims
TRICARE Europe (Europe, Africa, Middle East)
Wisconsin Physicians Service (WPS)
P.O. Box 8976
Madison, WI 53708-8976
TRICARE Overseas
Active Duty Service Members
TRICARE Overseas Active Duty
P.O. Box 7968
Madison, WI 53707-7968
Non-Active Duty Service Members
TRICARE Eurasia-Africa
TRICARE Overseas
P.O. Box 8976
Madison, WI 53707-8976
Non-Active Duty Service Members
TRICARE Latin America/Canada/Pacific/Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands
TRICARE Overseas
P.O. Box 7985
Madison, WI 53707-7985