Benefits A-Z

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Benefits A-Z

Bariatric (Weight Loss) Surgery

Bariatric surgery is a limited benefit. More >>

Bedwetting Alarm

Bedwetting alarm for the treatment of primary nocturnal enuresis may be considered for cost-sharing when prescribed by a physician and after physical or organic causes for nocturnal enuresis have been ruled out.

Behavioral Health

Behavioral health care, also known as mental health care is a covered benefit. More >>


Biofeedback is a limited benefit. More >>

Birth Control

Some forms of birth control are covered. More >>

Birthing Center Care

See maternity care and also birthing center reimbursement.

Blood Lead Testing

Blood lead testing, an assessment of risk for lead exposure, is a covered benefit when performed during well-child care visits from six months through age five for all children determined to be high-risk.
Cost Information

Blood Pressure Monitoring Devices

Blood pressure monitoring devices are a limited benefit. >>More 

Bone Density Study (Dexascan)

Bone density study, also known as a DXA or Dexascan, is covered for:

  • the diagnosis and monitoring of suspected or confirmed osteoporosis,
  • the diagnosis and monitoring of osteopenia

Patients must present with signs and symptoms of bone disease or be considered at high-risk for developing osteoporosis. High-risk factors for osteoporosis are those identified as the standard of care by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).

Bone density study for routine screening for osteoporosis is not a covered benefit, with the exception of osteoporosis screening rendered/ordered during HP&DP or wellness exams for:

  • women 65 years and older 
  • post-menopausal women younger than 65 years who are at increased risk of osteoporosis (to be determined by a formal clinical assessment tool, such as the Simple Calculated Osteoporosis Risk Estimation [SCORE])

Cost Information

Bone Marrow Transplants for Treatment of Ovarian Cancer

Not a covered benefit.

Botox Injections

Botox injections are a limited benefit. More >>

BRACAnalysis® Test

The BRACAnalysis (BRCA) test is a limited benefit. See laboratory developed tests.

Breast Implant Removal

Breast implant removal is a limited benefit and may be covered if the initial silicone or saline breast implantation was, or would have been, a covered benefit or if it is a necessary treatment of a complication which represents a separate medical condition. 

If covered, the setting where the services are provided will determine costs: outpatient office settingambulatory surgery setting or inpatient hospital setting.

Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Coverage of a breast MRI depends on whether the service is a preventive screening or a diagnostic procedure due to symptoms or a confirmed diagnosis. More >>

Breast Prosthesis

Breast prostheses are a covered benefit as durable medical equipment. TRICARE allows one initial prosthesis per missing body part. Replacements may be covered after benefit review to determine reason for replacement (for example, a change in the patient's medical condition making a different type of prosthesis medically necessary, significant weight gain or weight loss, or irreparable damage to the prosthesis). See also mastectomy bras.

Breast Pumps and Supplies

Breast pumps and supplies are a covered benefit. More >>

Breastfeeding (Lactation) Counseling

See Lactation Counseling.